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Ever had a takedown notice? The new YouTube eraser should make them a thing of the past. That’s because YouTube has released a new and improved eraser tool that allows creators to remove any copyrighted material from their videos without impacting the rest of the audio. “Good news creators: our updated Erase Song tool helps you easily remove copyright-claimed music from your video (while leaving the rest of

If your professional name is different to your real name, it can be difficult to get LinkedIn verified. Our Senior Content Writer, Mike Tuckerman, explains why. “You’re not LinkedIn verified,” I vaguely recall some sort of prompt reminding me on this very platform a few months ago. Well… yeah. There’s an obvious reason for this. It’s not the one relating to the equally obvious question of why I’d willingly

Strap in as we take you into the world of catalytic marketing, including a rundown of some of the best catalytic marketing examples to draw inspiration from. Catalytic marketing. While it sounds like yet another marketing buzzword, it’s an approach that every marketer should have on their radar. This is particularly so at a time when CMOs and marketing departments are feeling the heat like never before. Consider the thoughts

Hunt & Hawk delivers a range of branding, sales, and marketing solutions. The business originated after co-founders Ryan Devlin and Sonya Vanjicki first met in Brisbane. Everyone loves a good founding story. Some of the world’s biggest brands are the result of two co-founders coming together at just the right time. There’d be no Apple without Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, no Microsoft without Bill Gates and his rocky

Thinking about leveraging a VCMO for business growth? Here’s why you should take the plunge today. You’ve founded your business, your product is in market, and your customers are buying what you’re selling. But are they buying in bulk? Are there enough of them? Or do you need to get your marketing in front of more consumers? Companies around the world build entire marketing teams around doing just that. They’ve

Experiential marketing is a powerful way to connect with customers, but these campaigns must be executed to perfection. Here are several brands that have nailed the tactic. Becoming unforgettable. As brands, it’s something we crave deeply. We all want our customers to remember us. Being memorable is priceless So, it’s no wonder that experiential marketing is on the rise. This strategy is fast becoming the heartbeat of modern brand engagement –

What does a branding agency do? It’s a fair question, with a detailed answer. If you check out the Wikipedia entry on the subject, a branding agency is simply a firm that specialises in creating and launching brands, as well as re-branding. “The role of a branding agency is to create, plan, measure, and manage branding strategies for clients, including support in advertising and other forms of promotion,”

The Meta Business Suite is an essential resource for marketers. The introduction of the AI-driven Advantage detailed targeting option is completely changing the game… but there’s a catch.  The Meta machine is evolving. Rapidly. In fact, any marketer that utilises the Meta Business Suite for paid advertising will likely tell you that the tool is constantly advancing, and becoming more user friendly. Well, the ‘user friendly’ part is debatable,